North Fork Crow - One Watershed, One Plan


The North Fork Crow River Water Planning Partnership (NFCRWPP) is an organization of six counties, six soil and water conservation districts, two watershed districts, and a joint powers board within southcentral Minnesota. The NFCRWPP joined together in 2016 to develop a comprehensive One Watershed, One Plan (1W1P), aimed at creating prioritized and targeted implementation strategies that result in measurable resource improvements.

The North Fork Crow River (NFCR) Watershed area drains 1,483 square miles of predominately agricultural land. The watershed encompasses parts of Pope (3.7%), Stearns (16.0%), Kandiyohi (16.0%), Meeker (28.4%), Wright (31.7%), Hennepin (3.0%), Carver (0.1%), and McLeod (1.0%) counties.

NFCRWD Overall Plan

The overall plan is designed to gather information on almost every aspect of the watershed district. These include a description of the watershed which lists: the general features of the watershed district, the economy, the hydrologic characteristics, the general water quality, the water uses, fish and wildlife resources, water resource projects, water-related problems in the District, and management policies and regulations.

The Overall Plan provides a strategy for establishing water management and conservation programs that incorporate the desires of the local residents and officials of the cities, townships and counties within the District. Minnesota Statutes 103D prescribes the contents of the overall plan, including identifying possible solutions (or implementation steps) to the problems and the general objectives of the Watershed District.

NFCRWD Annual Reports

Under MN Statute 103D.345 the District Board of Managers are required to prepare a yearly report of the financial conditions of the watershed district, the status of all projects, the business transacted by the watershed district, other matters affecting the interests of the watershed district, and a discussion of the managers' plans for the succeeding year.


Archived Reports

Additional reports for previous years area available. Contact the District for more information.


NFCRWD Audit Reports

Under MN Statute 103D.355 subdivision 1, the Boar of Managers must have an annual audit completed of the books and accounts of the watershed district. The annual audit may be made by a private certified public accountant or by the state auditor.

The District has received clean audit opinions for many years and continues to strive for excellent reports.

Past reports are available by request by contacting the District office.