Aquatic invasive species (AIS) (sometimes called exotic, invasive, nonindigenous or non-native) are aquatic organisms that invade ecosystems beyond their natural, historic range. Their presence may harm native ecosystems or commercial, agricultural, or recreational activities dependent on these ecosystems. Click on links below for more information. 

Zebra mussels.

Zebra Mussels

Eurasian watermilfoil

Eurasian Milfoil 

 Curly-leaf pondweed

Curly-Leaf Pondweed


Starry Stonewort

 Flowering rush

Flowering Rush

 Photo of spiny waterflea magnified, actual size is 3/8 inch.

Spiny Waterflea



Click below for information on additional AIS 


 Invasive Aquatic Animals

 Invasive Aquatic Plants 

AIS Videos

Check out these videos made in partnership with Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates and sponsored by Minnesota counties.