NFCRWD Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention Program

Since 2013 the District has worked with local partners to develop an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Watercraft Inspection Program.  After requests for support in raising awareness regarding AIS, the NFCRWD took an active approach in helping prevent the spread into area lakes and streams.  With the support of Grove, Rice, Pirz and Koronis Lake Associations, the District has been able to employ DNR Level I Inspectors to assist local fisherman and recreational boating enthusiasts in identifying potential modes of transport of AIS. 

Level I inspectors are DNR authorized inspectors can prohibit the launching or operation of water-related equipment if a person refuses to allow an inspection, or doesn't remove water or aquatic invasive species. Authorized inspectors can also require a watercraft to be decontaminated prior to launching into MN waters. 

The District's main goal with the AIS Watercraft Inspection is to raise awareness of the effects of AIS and their transport methods, as well as to prevent the unintentional spread of AIS to those water bodies that are not currently infested.

MN DNR Guide to Aquatic Invasive Species

Species-by-species identification and management information


Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Infested Waters Map


What are Aquatic Invasive Species?